CareFit Enclosure for Patient Room Charting
For this project, the client was interested in keeping the computer workstation compact when it was not in use, because of the space constraints of the environment. With the CareFit cabinet they get security with a combo lock on the keyboard drawer, and keyed lock on the CPU compartment above, but also a full sit to stand height adjustment with an effortless lift of the cabinet. This unique design allows for zero-gravity height adjustment and still sits under 4 inches in depth from the wall when closed, keeping it ADA compliant for hallway and in room use.
Dual Monitor Nursing Stations
With this large hospital workstation project, we needed to find a flexible way to integrate dual monitors in a vertical orientation. The workstation height accommodates either a sitting or standing work flow so the height adjustability of the Ergotron MXV Monitor arms easily adjusts to the height and comfort of the many different users who will be working at each station. This solution frees the user to work in comfort and focus on the import work of charting critical patient data.

Sit Stand Desk with Dual Monitor Arm
The workstation shown here includes the WorkFit-D sit stand desk installed with the end user’s own desk surface to match the existing furniture. They also wanted to ergonomically integrate dual displays so we included the LX Desk Mount arm which attaches to the left side of the desk surface. The arms also included the optional adjustment handle to make it easier to move the monitors as needed.
VHM Workstation on Boom
The challenge with this project was that the customer needed a workstation close to the patient bed but the room was fairly large and it made sense to try to use the boom which had the power and data and would be close to the bed. We worked with the boom manufacturer to get the right mounting track added where we needed it and then supplied a GCX VHM workstation with a built in work surface to make sure the workstation would fit the room and the users needs.

Dual Monitor LX Arms
With this project our customer needed a dual monitor setup with an all in one PC. They also needed to keep the horizontal space open to allow visibility to the patient trough the window at the left. We decided to mount an aluminum track to securely mount the two arms in a vertical column and to allow for a lot of flexibility to accommodate the many users that would be working at the desk over time.
Monitor and Accessories Mounted to Access Rail
This project involved integrating several computer workstation into a retail pharmacy with an emphasis on freeing up tabletop space for the end users. We used the Access Rail System to attach the monitor to a flexible arm and added several shelves for printers, and other accessories. This system is great for cleaning off a desktop in situations where a computer is necessary but there is other work that requires some open desk space.

Medical Exam Room Wall Mount
One of our best solutions for installing a full computer workstation in a medical exam room is the Sit Stand Combo arm from Ergotron. As is the case with many projects involving medical spaces, the customer on this project needed a monitor, keyboard and mouse to use in charting patient records but there was no suitable location in the room. We were able to use a wall channel secured through a metal wall stud and mount the SS Combo Arm with the optional extender arm so that the clinician would have the ability to bring the arm away from the wall and face the patient while charting but also can fold the system away when it is not in use so that it only extends from the wall by a few inches. This version of the arm also includes a worksurface above the keyboard compartment offer up some work space as well as holding the keyboard and mouse.
Flexible Display Wall
With this project we were asked to provide wall mounts for 9 individual monitors to be displayed around a single workstation. We also had the challenge of accommodating other equipment stored on the desktop from time to time so we decided to employ the height adjustable LX Wall mount arm as well as the NeoFlex Swing arm for displays that did not need the reach or height adjustment. We were able to use 4 wall channels mounted to metal wall studs with 2 displays mounted to each channel vertically. The last monitor was placed on a perpendicular wall to be used for a separate application.

Digital Whiteboards with Wall Mount Cabinet
With this project our customer needed to setup several rooms that would serve as training classrooms for staff. They were looking for a way to integrate the board, a dedicated PC to display content and interface with the board permanently and a tray to allow presenters to bring in a laptop and connect to the video inputs on the board.
The challenge with installing digital whiteboards and wall mounted cabinets together is that they must be properly supported by using robust mounting hardware secured through structural supports such as metal or wood wall studs or backing material in the wall. With this project some backing was provided but other areas we had to rely on the existing wall studs. We wanted to keep the enclosures close to the board so that all the cabling that came from the projector and white board would be able to pass through to the computer located in the top of the cabinet without unsightly exposed wires. This meant that we had to carefully measure and mark all the locations where holes would need to be drilled in advance of actually drilling and hanging the equipment. Once that was done we then carefully ran all the cables to keep them secured and hidden as much as possible and we used nylon cable wrap to create a small bundle between the board, the cabinet and the wall outlet.
Laptop Arm on Anesthesia Machine
Many electronic medical record systems are intended for use at the bedside during surgery to track the medications administered by the anesthesiologist during the procedure. The challenge here is to integrate a computer without interfering with the important work being done by the anesthesiologist. We are able to integrate laptops or flat panel monitor and PC based workstations directly onto the anesthesia machines. Our reps have the experience and product knowledge to ensure that computers are safely integrated in the OR.

Computer Workstation on Boom in Operating Room
In this situation our customer was looking for a way to install a computer workstation on an existing boom in an operating room. We were able to add a small channel so that we could supply a simple pivoting display mount on the front side of the boom and then we did the same on the back to hold a computer holder and PC. The keyboard and mouse were able to rest on the existing shelf on the boom.